Product Information
The L4F and S4F Over Head 4 Drum Fork mounted automatic and mechanical forklift attachment handles 1,2,3 or 4 drums at a time.
The unit handles all conventional rimmed steel, fibre and plastic drums. Ideal for conveyor work, pallet change-out, truck and container loading, general warehousing and all stacking and high-volume drum handling applications.
For high volume drum handling operations the unit secures to forklifts with safety chain and gravity clamp device.
The capacity of the L4 range is 900kg per drum (3600kg).
We can supply new equipment spares or repairs, and offer a servicing and testing unit for the full range of Liftomatic drum handling attachments.
All Liftomatic Drum Handlers are manufactured in the USA. St Clare Engineering is the sole agent and distributor for Liftomatic in the UK and Europe. We can also supply to countries outside of Europe where a local distributor does not exist.
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